Rumi Visa Consultants

New 1 My B1/2 visa was rejected last year since then I have made good travel history. Will it increase my chances for B1/2 visa this time? When it comes to applying for a B1 or a B2 visa, it's always important to make sure you have an accurate and up-to-date travel history, as this plays a huge role in the approval process.That being said, even if you have a good travel history since your last rejection, there are still many other factors that the visa officer will take into consideration. These factors could include your employment status, ties to the country of origin, criminal record, and financial stability. Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as each application is looked at on a case-by-case basis. The best thing to do is to make sure that you've provided the visa officer with all the necessary information and documentation in order to make your case as strong as possible. 2 I came to the US legally and Iā€™m currently overstayed. Now I have an employer from Canada who is willing to sponsor a work permit. Do I have a chance to move to Canada with my current status in the US? Here is the issue. You are currently illegally in the U.S. You want to apply to Canada for a work permit in order to accept a job in Canada. For the record, a Canadian employer does not ā€˜sponsorā€™ you into Canada. If you have a job offer, you must apply for a work permit, which is a form of temporary residence visa (TRV). But you can only apply to Immigration Canada from a country in which you are legally residing. If you are not legally in the U.S., you cannot apply for a TRV in Canada. Therefore, you must apply to IRCC from a country in which you are a legal resident. Your decision to overstay may also create a problem when applying to Canada because Canada and the U.S. share immigration data. All five countries in the FYEY network share immigration data. Nicknamed the Five Eyes, that network includes Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K. A history of overstaying in one five eyes country can keep you out of every five eyes country. 3 How does the US embassy detect fake information when people are applying for a visa? Most lies and liars are amazingly transparent. To a trained and experienced embassy official, they can spot them a mile away. But in addition, the US has impressive access to data worldwide, and computers which can process it very quickly. You may have heard of the term ā€œbig dataā€. It refers the fact that we are able to amass huge amounts of seemingly unrelated facts, give it to a computer, and come up with some correlations nobody ever expected. In terms of immigration processing, what this allows the US to do is check the visa applicantā€™s data against a world-wide database that shows correlations that never would have been noticed 50 years ago. Suspect statements are then subjected to confirmation, and if they canā€™t be confirmed, the application will be denied. This is politely called ā€œadministrative processingā€. Itā€™s the security check. Sometimes confirmation can take a long time, especially if it requires the cooperation of a foreign entity that is bureaucratic, slow, or non-cooperative. For this reason, its best not to volunteer too much information - you might inadvertently cause an unnecessary confirmation. But any absence of required data, or answers that donā€™t quite match what is in the database, will surely cause a problem. Outright lies? They are easily caught. 4 Can I get US citizenship by adopting a child in the US? ā€œCan I get US citizenship by adopting a child in the US?ā€ The short answer to your question is no. A longer answer is yes, If you should adopt a US citizen child in the US, then when that child turns 21 and if s/he is living permanently in the US, s/he can petition for immigration for you. After some years as a legal permanent resident, you could apply for citizenship. 5 What is i130 for in the US? If Iā€™m on b1b2, can I file i130 and stay for a long time legal? The I-130 is the petition for an alien relative of a US citizen or legal permanent resident. It has nothing to do with you and your B1/B2 visa. Petition for Alien Relative 6 Dear sir, I want to know from you that. Does a person who is a social security Card holder will help a persons offspring's to get a USA visa. Does social security card has a leverage for his children when they apply for USA visiting or living? ā€œDear sir, I want to know from you that. Does a person who is a social security Card holder will help a persons offspring's to get a USA visa. Does social security card has a leverage for his children when they apply for USA visiting or living?ā€ No to both of your questions. 7 Are husbands and wives B1/B2 visas separate after stamping their passports? ā€œAre husbands and wives B1/B2 visas separate after stamping their passports?ā€ Every person who will visit the US and requires a visa will have that visa ā€˜stampedā€™ in his or her own individual passport. Yes, they are separate visas in separate passports for separate individuals. And yes, each person can and may travel separately, carrying his/her own visa-ed passport. 8 Can a US Citizen get help from the US Embassy in Brazil even if they entered the country on a different passport (Italian) because they wanted to avoid the new travel visa requirements imposed on US citizens? ā€œCan a US Citizen get help from the US Embassy in Brazil even if they entered the country on a different passport (Italian) because they wanted to avoid the new travel visa requirements imposed on US citizens?ā€ 9 Yes, of course. A US citizen is entitled to US consular assistance everywhere in the world, no matter what crime they have committed, let alone doing anything as sensible and non-illegal as saving money and hassle by using another passport that they are also, equally, entitled to. Can I enter Canada with a visitor visa and then disappear? NO, DONā€™T try that. Canada is one of the very few countries on the globe where it is almost impossible to ā€œdisappearā€ and live on. I will give you only three letters: SIN (Social Insurance Number) No SIN = no housing, no job of any kind, no job search, no banking, no credit, no paycheque, no car purchase, no driverā€™s licence, no schooling or training, no health care, no social services of any kind, shape or form, no possibility to - ever - become legitimized. You are truly a waif, a non-existing person without any base or foundation to live on at all. So, you say, why is it so easy to ā€œdisappearā€ in USA? Big difference, they arenā€™t using SSN (Social Security Number) the way we use our SIN. In USA you will be arrested ā€œifā€ you are found. In Canada, you will be sought after, arrested and deported sooner than you can possibly imagine. Your employer, if you are found working, will also be arrested and subject to a jail term. - This is one HUGE disincentive to hire anyone who doesnā€™t have a SIN number. Plus, you cannot get a visitorā€™s permit to come to Canada in the first place if there is even a hint that you intend to ā€œcome to stayā€. Our immigration officers are pretty good at ferreting out and denying these applications.
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Navigating Your Path to Australia

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By Rumi 2023-10-27T02:04 3906 views

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 A Comprehensive Guide for International Students

If you're considering studying in Australia or planning to make it your permanent home, you're in the right place. Australia, with its world-class education system, robust immigration opportunities, and diverse cultural landscape, offers a promising journey for international students and prospective immigrants alike.

1. Pursuing Your Academic Dreams in Australia

  • For students seeking a top-notch education, Australia stands as a beacon of academic excellence. From prestigious universities in Melbourne and Sydney to specialized institutions in Brisbane and Perth, the country offers a wide range of courses and programs across various disciplines. Dive into the vibrant academic community and unlock a world of possibilities for your future career.

2. Securing Your PR Card: A Guide to Permanent Residency in Australia

Dreaming of making Australia your permanent home? Understanding the intricacies of the Permanent Residency (PR) process is essential. From skilled migration pathways to family sponsorships, Australia's PR system caters to individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Navigate through the visa application process and explore the requirements to lay the foundation for a successful residency application.

3. Exploring Immigration Rights and Policies

As you prepare to embark on your journey to Australia, familiarize yourself with the country's immigration rights and policies. Stay informed about the latest updates in visa regulations, work permits, and citizenship eligibility criteria. Understanding your rights as an immigrant will empower you to make informed decisions and ensure a smooth transition into the Australian way of life.

4. Embracing Cultural Diversity and Community Integration

Australia's rich cultural diversity is a testament to the inclusivity and warmth of its people. Immerse yourself in the vibrant multicultural communities, participate in local festivities, and engage with various support networks designed to help international students and immigrants feel at home. Embracing the Australian way of life will not only enhance your experience but also broaden your global perspective.

5. Nurturing Your Career and Future Prospects

Take advantage of the ample career opportunities that Australia has to offer. Network with professionals in your field, participate in internships and work-study programs, and leverage the country's thriving job market to kick-start your career. With its growing economy and diverse industries, Australia provides a conducive environment for personal and professional growth.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights on studying, immigration, and life in Australia on my blog. Whether you're a prospective student, a skilled worker, or a newcomer to this beautiful country, I am here to guide you on your journey to success.





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Rumi Visa Consultants

Rumi Visa Consultant is a leading provider of Abroad Visa Services.Our mission is to assist our clients in finding the most suitablevisa options for their needs.We are dedicated to creating an extensive networkof opportunities for our clients, ensuring they have access toa wide range of possibilities in the right country for Visit Visa, Business Visa, Study Abroad Visa, Medical Visa, Sports VisaĀ &Ā Ā WorkĀ Visa "Connecting Opportunities, Building Futures - Rumi Visa Consultant,our Gateway to AbroadĀ VisaĀ Services"


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